What is it like to be the first in the family to study? 

A first-generation student talks about the challenges he faces and how he still manages to reconcile the different worlds.

There are lots of good things about being the first in a family to study. After all, you effectively go to university as a pioneer. You can discover a new world for yourself, completely untouched by the experiences of previous generations. You can push your intellectual boundaries. You can enjoy privileges that parents and grandparents never had.

But pioneers must beware. If you are not careful, you will soon find yourself irritated when you have to explain the university before you can talk about it; when you feel misunderstood by relatives; when praise for an academic achievement sounds hollow because the person praising the achievement has no connection to what has been achieved.

Anyone who explores a new world risks alienating themselves from the old one. First-generation students should therefore make every effort not to walk this path alone, but to take their loved ones with them on the journey.

About the person

© Universität Bern

Manuel Steffen

has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and is currently studying human medicine at the University of Bern. He also works as an editor in the Media Relations department of the Communication and Marketing Office (CMO) at the University of Bern.

Studying in snapshots

The cover picture of this article first appeared as part of the picture series in uniFOKUS, the print magazine of the University of Bern. Five students from the University of Bern captured everyday moments of their student life with an Instax camera. The pictures were curated and arranged by our photographer Dres Hubacher. The resulting photo series takes a unique look at the topics featured in the magazine.

Magazine uniFOKUS

Studying as a launchpad

This article first appeared in uniFOKUS, the University of Bern print magazine. Four times a year, uniFOKUS focuses on one specialist area from different points of view. Current focus topic: Studies

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